
  AN OBIKIN EXCHANGE  a writer & artist focused exchange to love obi-wan kenobi and anakin skywalker's relationship. MARCH-NOV 2023.

rules & regulations


 01  Obikin must be the focus and endgame of all work. 02 Minimum word count is 1500. No maximum. All work must meet requirements before submission. Chaptered work is allowed as long as the first chapter serves as a rounded piece and is complete. 03  Fics should be in English. 04  Writers must have an Ao3 account and artists must have a twitter/tumblr account to participate. 05   No content restrictions, we only ask that prompts not be too detailed and tagged appr. 06   Participants are strongly encouraged to comment on received gifts. Failure to do so may result in temporary blacklist of future exchanges. Support community members! 07   Please contact mods for an extension with a date to contact by! 08   Likewise, dropping from the fest for non-emergency reasons after the dropout deadline may result in temporary blacklist. Please note that exchanges are meant to be 1:1 gifts. 09   If you do not think you can work with your prompts, please contact mods ASAP. 10 Participants MUST: include 3-4 prompts in their sign-up, maintain communication with mods and support other creators! 11   Upon signing up, participants must supply a list of triggers and content preferences to aid in prompt assignments. 12   Those wishing to contribute MUST: supply an email to be contacted with or join the event discord.

current timeline

sprints will be held monthly.  
 MARCH 01. sign-ups close.TBA
 MARCH 10-12. prompts assigned.TBA
 APRIL 25. 1st check-in. (outline)TBA
 MAY 15-18. dropout deadline.TBA
 MAY 15. pinch hitters reopens.TBA
 JUNE 15. 2nd check-in. (25%+)TBA
 JULY 15. 3rd check-in. (50% +)TBA
 SEPTEMBER 15. final check-in. (75% +)TBA
 OCTOBER 01. batch claiming begins.TBA
 NOVEMEBER 1-8. project posting begins.TBA
 NOVEMEBER 15. reveals.TBA

about two halves

TWO HALVES: AN OBIKIN EXCHANGE FEST is maintained by creators for creators! the focus of this event is to exchange especially catered gifts to members of the fandom! this can include writing and art, and will extend an eight month creation period.the focus of the exchange is entirely open. when you sign up, you supply multiple prompts to the sign-up form, are paired with a like-minded individual in the community, and each participant will then write or draw someone's prompt for them - which will later be gifted and revealed at the very end of the exchange period. sign up today to join us!

moderation team

  MOD 🍄  he/theylead, graphics mod

i love obikin’s versatile dynamic and endless banter. i've shipped them since i was a lil dude and i'm drawn to their master/apprentice relationship and especially anakin's need to be grounded by obi-wan!

  MOD 💋  she/herco-lead mod, twitter

anakin apologist, prequels defender and avid consumer of obikin in all its forms and dynamics as long as these stupid men are getting the loving they deserve. currently obsessed with sith obi-Wan.

  MOD 🎙  she/hergeneral, twitter mod

these two idiots in love will always have a special place in my heart, not only because they’re the ones who inspired me to start writing fanficions, but simply because they have become my comfort spot even in the saddest moments. i cherish them in any dynamic! i just need them to be helplessly in love with each other

  MOD 🍷  she/hergeneral, tumblr mod

these two contain multitudes, both as individuals and as a couple, and i find that endlessly compelling. there's something sexy about their dynamic, this sort of “i can’t be with you but i can’t be without you either”, in almost every sense of the word. they're stupid and they make me stupider over them and i think that's hot.

  TUMBLR MOD.  she/hergeneral, tumblr mod
